Using Bounce for Fun and Profit – Lorcana Deck Tech

Rise of the Floodborn adds welcome variety to the card pool, opening new deck building options and themes. While most attention is (as of this writing) placed on the card drawing engine of Hiram Flaversham and Pawpsicle, all colors have new options. The one that caught my eye is Amethyst’s bounce subtheme, and not just because Sword in the Stone is in my top 5 Disney movies. By using abilities to return characters to your hand, you can use enter play effects over and over. I have a basic frame using Amethyst only, which you can see at Dreamborn.

Merlin, Arthur, and Madam Mim cards for Lorcana
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Tamatoa’s Hoard – A Casual Deck Tech For Lorcana

Disney Lorcana continues to sell well at hobby shops, and is already appearing in mass market retail. With wider availability, building a deck from scratch is more feasible for most players. However, many players are still using a limited card pool. I consider this a casual deck less for its power level and more based on it being very gimmicky. Without further ado, here is the list on Dreamborn.

Lorcana cards used in a game
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