Cardfight Vanguard Deck Tech: LèVre♡SœurS

By Serena L

Stand Up! Vanguard!

Serena here, back with another Vanguard article, this time, we’re going to be talking about one of the newest decks from Lyrical Monastario set 4, LèVre♡SœurS! These succubi sisters focus on buffing their grade 3 vanguard, LèVre♡SœurS, Charmout, who in turn powers up her sisters to swing with massive numbers! Without further ado, let’s get started!

Cocris card from Cardfight Vanguard

To start off, our ride line with LèVre♡SœurS, Cocris, who has the standard starter effect of letting us draw when she’s rode over if we went second. With most decks you can usually use whichever starter you want, but in this case, Cocris is important to our strategy, so we have to use her. Next is our grade 1 LèVre♡SœurS, Haudia, who has 2 effects. The first is when you ride over her with a grade 2 “LèVre♡SœurS”, you can call Haudia to rear, and if you do, you SoulCharge1 and return Haudia to soul at the end of the turn. More importantly, at the end of the battle she attacks or boosts (as a rearguard). If our vanguard is a “LèVre♡SœurS” with 23k or more power, you can pay the cost of putting 2 grade 2 or less “LèVre♡SœurS” rearguards to soul to draw a card. This is really helpful for keeping your LèVre♡SœurS units around, which is really important. Now we have LèVre♡SœurS, Calmina, who like her grade 1 sister has 2 effects. The first is if we have 2 or more grade 1 or less “LèVre♡SœurS” cards in our soul and we would ride over Calmina with a grade 3 “LèVre♡SœurS” from the ride deck, we can do so without discarding. The next is when she’s chosen for the ability of our “LèVre♡SœurS” vanguard with at least 23k power while she’s on rear, we can CounterCharge1 and Soulcharge1. Now, you might be noticing a theme here of wanting our Vanguard’s power to be at least 23k, and LèVre♡SœurS, Charmout, the vanguard herself, shows us why. First, once per turn she lets us CounterBlast1 to choose up to 2 grade 2 or less “LèVre♡SœurS” cards in our soul with different names, and call them to rear, and Charmout gets +5k power. Secondly, when she attacks and is not boosted, we can choose 3 grade 2 or less “LèVre♡SœurS” rearguards and increase or decrease their power to match Charmout’s, and if Charmout’s power is 33k or greater and the opponent’s vanguard is at least grade 3, we can SoulBlast2 and until the end of the turn our rearguard in the back center circle can attack from the back row and performs drive checks! Well, now we’re done explaining the ride line, let’s move on to our grade 1s!

Haudia card from Cardfight Vanguard

First up is 3 more copies of LèVre♡SœurS, Haudi to maximize consistency of having our 3 named LèVre♡SœurS. Then one of the few older Lyrical cards in the deck, 4 copies of Blue-haired Prodigy, Receus. While she herself only has 3k power, on place she gives one of our units +10k power until the end of turn, meaning just with her we are already meeting the 23k minimum for most of our LèVre♡SœurS abilities. And speaking of consistency, we have 4 Vivid Night Festival, Orialis, who when placed on rear lets us CB1 to search our deck for a grade 2 or less “LèVre♡SœurS”. She also has an Act ability that we can use if we have a grade 3 or greater “LèVre♡SœurS” vanguard that we can rest Orialis to put a card from our drop to soul and give our vanguard +5k to help hit those minimum numbers. Lastly in grade 1 we have our PGs, this time using 3 copies of the new Halloween themed Sturdy Sweets, Sameel and 1 Elementaria Sanctitude.

Calmina card from Cardfight Vanguard

Just like in grade 1, here in grade 2 we’re running 3 more LèVre♡SœurS, Calmina for the added consistency, but we also have 4 copies of A Magician’s Work, Colby, who when placed on rear, if our vanguard is a grade 3 “LèVre♡SœurS”, we can CB1 to give our vanguard +5k, then if our vanguard is 23k or more power, we get to draw a card. Next we have 2 copies of the other older card in this list: Immense Aptitude, Relie who technically has 2 effects, but one of them we can’t use (since it needs a Herminia named vanguard, which we won’t have). The part that matters is once per turn we can SB1 to give our vanguard +5k for the turn. While Relie is very good in the deck, she has been bought out to really high prices at the time of writing (the week of set 4’s release) as not only is she good in LèVre♡SœurS, but Herminia also got new support in this set, so one thing I can suggest for a more defensive option is maxing out on our next card, which I’m personally running as a 2 of. All Eyes On Me! Truus is a common from the new set and when your backrow center rear guard attacks, you can return Truus to hand, and on top of that, when she’s placed on guard circle, you can SB1 to give her an extra 10k shield, making her a solid budget and defensive option.

Moving on to our grade 3s, we have our 3 Persona Ride copies of LèVre♡SœurS, Charmout, plus Gratias Gradale as a 4th Persona Ride, and 4 copies of Dream Splurging, Ramona, who can put herself and another rearguard from soul to give our “LèVre♡SœurS” vanguard another 5k for the turn, to help both hit that minimum power target, and free up space for so Charmout can call her sisters for an attack plus generate soul to fuel that backrow swing or Relie or Truus!

Beretoi card from Cardfight Vanguard

Finally we have the trigger lineup were we have the standard 4 heals (Love Thy Cat, Lysanne to fit the Halloween theme), 3 effect draws with Transparent Snowy Night, Beretoi, 8 criticals (4 effect crits, Precious Tune, Edwige, 4 normal crits, Shocking Candy, Ouris,) and finally we have Spiritual King of Ignition, Valnout, the famed ‘Red OT’. Valnout’s additional effect let’s us choose a standing rearguard and give it the ability “Once per turn, at the end of the battle this unit attacked, stand this unit.” until the end of the turn, or if we didn’t choose a rearguard, we can call a card from our hand instead. This is particularly potent when you hit it off Charmout’s drive checks, then give your backrow center rear guard (which can hopefully attack and perform her own drives) the 100 million power and the restand effect!

Overall LèVre♡SœurS is a really fun deck with a unique way to build LOTS of power quickly and can manage it’s resources pretty well with all the soul generating and the CC off Calmina, making it pretty threatening over all. Other cards you can look into for it is anything that buffs your vanguard’s power, or you could use the ‘Blue OT’, from the same set as Valnout, but I don’t recommend using a Lyrical OT, as the ability of Charmout actually overrides the power gain for your rearguards when you choose them for Charmout’s skill.

If you wanna check out the decklist, you can do so on the Deck Log.

That’s all for me for now!
Serena, signing out!
Au Revoir!

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